Sunday 19 April 2009

The Omnibus Of Modern Crime Stories - The 80’s

The Jackal and the Tiger - Michael Gilbert (1988)
In order to avenge the death of one of his friends (who had been blackmailed), Ronnie Kavanagh buys a small detective agency. A Mr Huffin works for it, and R.K. knows that the man is involved in his friend’s demise. With the help of his nephew, he sets out to find out how the crook operates and who his accomplice is.

The Fix - Robert Twothy (1980)
Stremberg is plagued with a serious addiction to horse racing. A constant run of bad luck leaves him with just 23 cents in his pocket. This forces him to take back his job as a taxi driver, but he plans to return to the race as soon as he has a nice stake.

One Moment of Madness - Edward D. Hoch (1982)
A corrupted detective goes berserk when the woman he loves enters his police station. He doesn’t realise that she has actually been arrested. For fear of being betrayed by her, he shoots at everyone in an attempt to kill her.

Loopy - Ruth Rendell (1982)
While playing in small pantomime productions, a 42 year old man develops an obsession for wearing an animal outfit (a wolf). This plays havoc with his plans to marry an office colleague, and takes a turn for the worst when he discover that his mother is affected by the same compulsion.

The Plateau - Clark Howard (1984)
The local government has decided to run an uncommon lottery: one where the winner will be allowed to hunt the last buffalo in the state. It was supposed to be a 9 year old animal called Bruno, but it dies before the hunt. The authority then decides to replace it with its mother Hannah, a 30 year old cow. In order to allow Hanna to have the dignified death she deserves, Tank Sherman, its owner, takes her away to an Indian sacred ground.

The Butchers - Pete Lovesey (1982)
One morning, the owner of a butcher’s shop is found dead in the cold store. An apprentice butcher tries to make it look like it’s another worker who killed their boss.

Burning Bridge - James Powell (1989)
As years pass by, Barber becomes convinced that he owes his good fortune to the personalities of his dead friends. One day, he is so afraid to lose his wife to another man that he tries to kill one of his friends, renowned for his success with women.

A Good Turn - Robert Barnard (1989)
After a severe dispute with his mother, Steven ventures into another town to meet with his father, who abandoned him when he was just two. The man turns out to be so nasty and mean that Steve almost kills him.

Clap Hands, there goes Charlie - George Baxt (1982)
Alice is married to Charlie, a successful publisher who repeatedly cheats on her. She has learned to live with it. However, his attitude with women will prove to be fatal to him when he has an affair with Monica Duval, a medium and would-be writer.

Big Boy, Little Boy - Simon Brett (1980)
Larry Renshaw has killed his wealthy wife because she had discovered that he was stealing from him. He flies to France where Peter Mostyn lives. P.M. has always been infatuated with him and offers to do anything that could help Larry out. Renshaw, in his usual over-confident way completely misjudges the situation and ends up in jail for the murder of two persons.

Sunday 12 April 2009

The Omnibus Of Modern Crime Stories - The 70’s

Reasons Unknown - Stanley Elin (1978)
Larry Morrison, who works for a big company, has a chance encounter with a former colleague, now a taxi driver. When his ‘friend’ explains to him that big corporations only use re-organizations within their department as a screen to fire people, Larry becomes very worried about the safety of his own job.
When one day his boss calls him to his office, Larry loses his mind. He turns up to work with a gun ; kills his boss plus several employees.

Three Ways to Rob a Bank - Harold R. Daniels (1972)
A former bank employee devises 3 ways to rob a bank. The first two are stated in the form of two stories, which he sends for publication. The bank industry does all it can to prevent these stories from being published and waits eagerly to see the third method. However the 3rd way is actually this story scheme that he has created to alert them on the weaknesses of the bank system.

The Perfect Servant - Helen Nielsen (1971)
Maria Morales is a poor widow, once married to a gambler. Her way to make a living is to pretend that she has found 100 dollars in the street and bring the money to the police. She uses this scheme to find employment as a cleaner for rich people, who are sure to be impressed by her absolute honesty.

The Marked Man - David Ely (1979)
A Major is confronted to an unusual mission: to live on his own for a certain amount of time in a park. To be sure that he won’t be tempted to talk to anyone, his head has been painted green. As doubts arise about the real purpose of this strange assignment, the Major slowly loses his mind.

Flowers that blooms in the Spring - Julian Symons (1971)
Bertie is an inquisitive retired man who is convinced that his neighbours have not only murdered someone, but also that they belong to a gang of small bank robbers. His doubts are reinforced when he meets them one summer in Italy, and they pretend they owe all their money to the publication of a book.

A Nice Place to Stay - Nedra Tyre (1970)
A woman who has cared all her live for other people and lives in abject poverty is sent to jail. She is accused of having stolen a silver box - actually given to her by one of her employers. However, she finds that her life in prison is much more comfortable than anything she has experienced outside…

Paul Broderick’s Man - Thomas Walsh (1979)
Captain Anthony Vincent Flanagan was once a reputed police officer. But after years of taking bribes from crooked businessman Paul Broderick, he realises that he may have made a lot of money, it has cost him his pride and the respect of his daughter.

When Nothing Matters - Florence V. Mayberry (1979)
Solange discovers that after a year being married with Thorwald, he intends to leave her for another woman. She cannot cope with the situation and kills him.
[The first part of the story is built to make the reader believe she is a window who isn’t involved in the death of her husband.]

This is Death - Donald E. Westlake (1978)
Couldn’t make myself to read it. The story of a man who takes his own life.

Woodrow Wilson’s Necktie - Patricia Highsmith (1972)
Clive Wilkes is an 18 year old with an obsession for a local waxwork museum. His fascination for it leads him to kill the museum’s employees and place them among the various murder tableaux. Later, he goes to the police to confess his crimes, but no one believes him. Frustrated, Clive begins to plan a much bigger crime, one that would grant him a place in a waxwork museum.

Les Arcanes du Chaos - Maxime Chattam (2005)

Le multi-millionnaire suisse Bonnevieil décide d'utiliser une jeune femme, Yael, pour tuer un de ses ennemis, le puissant Goatherd. Pour se faire, il lance Yael sur une piste parsemée d'énigmes et de symboles occultes. Elle est aidée par un journaliste (Thomas, en fait a la solde de Bonnevieil.)

Apres un parcours ou fleurissent les allusions a JFK, Lincoln, le Titanic et les illuminatis, Yael se retouve face a face avec le fameux Goatherd.

[Lecture agréable, encore que les dialogues sont, a mon sens, un peu bateau. Ils ne possedent pas l'étincelle qui aurait pu les rendre vifs et intelligents.
L'auteur met tout en place pour valider sa théorie du "Nouvel Ordre du Monde": depuis 1776, les personnes les plus riches de la planete, non seulement gouvernent le monde ; ils nous utilisent également comme des pions pour satisfaire leurs ambitions personnelles. Ce mode de pensée veut nous faire crore que l'assassinat de JFK a été orchéstrée de la sorte pour avoir certains points communs avec le meurtre du président Lincoln.

Il suffit de taper le noms de ces deux americains dans un moteur de recherche pour trouver tout de suite des paralleles. Les gens friands de complots mettent toujours en avant les points soit-disant communs - pliant la vérité au besoin, et oublient les détails qui ne cadrent pas.
Nostradamus aurait d'ailleurs eu sa place dans ce roman. De toute évidence l'auteur n'a pas osé. Pourtant ces quatrains contiennent quelques perles ;-p. ]

Sunday 5 April 2009

The Twilight Zone - Christina Faust (2005)

A slumlord hires an arsonist to burn down his less successful building. Two kids die in the fire. As ghosts, they take their revenge on the people involved in their death.
[OTT characters who are either dirt poor or filthy rich. There is also the annoying fact that several characters developed early in the story aren’t heard of again as the plot moves on.
Would have been better off as a much shorter story, say 100 pages max.]


One Night at Mercy
Another story with OTT characters and all the clichés you can expect to find in an emergency hospital. This time, we are treated to what happens when ‘Death’ (personified by a woman), doesn’t take anyone anymore. Suddenly people and animals who were scheduled to die, remain alive and suffering like hell because of their disease or injuries.
[Built in the exact same way as the previous story, with a gallery of characters all connected by the same disturbing fate.]

Monday 30 March 2009

The Omnibus Of Modern Crime Stories - The 60’s

Published in 1991

Changes of Climates - Ursula Curtiss (1967)
Due to a large number of allergies, a woman needs to move southward with her husband and young daughter. She flourishes in their new town, but soon becomes impossible to live with. This pushes the husband to force the family back to their original town, despite the fact that this will have a devastating effect on his wife’s health.

Life in our Time - Robert Bloch (1966)
Professor Harry Cramer knows that his wife is having an affair. He has his revenge on her with an elaborate lie: he pretends to be in charge of a time capsule project, and promptly fills it with meaningful items from the 20th century.

The Special Gift - Celia Fremlin (1967)
Eillen runs a writers’ club. One winter evening, when she only has 5 guests, Alan Fritzroy turns up. He is a strange little man, who manages to mesmerize Eileen with a recurrent dream that’s affecting his life: he walks with heavy boots towards a cradle, knowing that if he lies in it, he will go mad.

A Neat and Tidy Job - George Harmon Coxe (1960)
Mary Heath works for a bank, where she is in charge of a lift service. Her obsession for cleanliness proves to be handy when the bank is robbed.

Run, If you Can - Charlotte Armstrong (1963)
Walter lives with his Bible obsessed sister. One day, when he was driving too fast, he kills a woman and drives away from the scene. Because of the accident, he is eager to sell his car and he replies to an advert that asks for a quick swap: a car for a piece of land.
[spoiler: the land owner is in fact the would-be husband of the woman Walter killed.]

Line of Communication - Andrew Garve (1967)
A 16 years old has been kidnapped by two men who used to work for his wealthy father. They demand a ransom. The teenager manages to make a kite with his shirt. He write a message on it and let it fly out of his ‘cell’, attached to a string. Thanks to this, the police is able to locate him.

Danger at Deerfawn - Dorothy B. Hughes (1964)
A group of young holiday makers visit Deerfawn manor. There, they get involved in a murder case, tied with an international gang that steal paintings.

The Man Who Understood Women - A.H. Z Carr (1960)
Four men are having lunch together. In order to get a free meal, one of them convinces his friends that he can tell everything about a woman just by observing her. He demonstrates it by giving minute details about a woman, dining a few tables away from them…

Revolver - Avram Davidson (1962)
The sordid story of a revolver, first purchased by a stingy landlord. How it first gets stolen by a low life who also takes the rent money he had been collecting. It is then sold to a man who sells it to another. It ends up in the hands of a gang of youngsters, who have reasons to hate the landlord.

The Eternal Chase - Anthony Gilbert (1965)
Story told from the point of view of Victoria, a 9 year old girl. She lives with her grand-mother . Through deductions she discovers that Harriet, (the girl who leaves nearby), has poisoned her father, so that she could have her mother all to herself. Now, Victoria’s uncle has fallen in love with Harriet’s mother and plan to marry her…

Friday 27 March 2009

The Omnibus Of Modern Crime Stories - The 50’s

Published in 1991

As Simple as ABC (1951) - Ellery Queen
Three very old veterans from the civil war die one after the other in odd circumstances. They leave behind them a “war treasure” that turns out to be made of old and worthless confederate money.

Money to Burn (1957) - Margery Allingham
When a woman returns to the street where she grew up she discovers that Louise, one of her friends, is forced to pay back a huge debt contracted to her father. Adlebert, the man you takes this money, regularly burns some of it in front of her. When the police investigates this case of ‘defacing the coins of the realm’ they find out that Adebert is counterfeiting money and only burns his bad print.

The Gentlest Brother (1955) - David Alexander
In order to avenge the death of his sister, a Jesuit brother pushes a local crook to kill him. This is order to make sure that the low-life goes to the electrical chair for murder.

One Way Street (1946) - Anthony Armstrong
A police inspector and his retired father investigate the murder of man in a taxi. The driver had been stopped in Trafalgar Square by a man intent at crossing the road despite the heavy traffic.

Murder at the Dog Show (1957) - Mignon G. Eberhart
Dr Richard Marly, whose girlfriend trains dogs for a dog show, investigates the murder of a Mrs Florie Carrister. It turns out that her project to open a kernel wasn’t taken too kindly by the competition.

Always Trust a Cop (1952) - Octavus Roy Cohen
Tex Graham, an ex marines and a murderer, calls his old friend Johnny Norton, not knowing that he has become a cop and is obliged to reveal his presence to the FBI. Their meeting doesn’t go too well and Tex tries to escape the situation by wearing Johnny’s police uniform.

The Withered Heart (1956) - Jean Potts
A man who hates his wife kills her on the day she is supposed to go to her sister. He arranges everything as a car crash. Unfortunately he forgets one essential element: her dog, which she never leaves alone.

The Girl Who Married a Monster (1953) - Anthony Boucher
A starlet marries a man who in the past had killed several women for their insurance money. She plans to frame him for the murder of her cousin, who looks very much like her.

Between Eight and Eight (1950) - C.S. Forrester
Manners is a murderer who is spending his last 8 hours before being executed. He manages to escape from his cell. After a mad run he takes refuge at Ethel’s place, one of the many women he had seduced when he was a free man. Unfortunately for him, a bout of pneumonia and feverish thoughts about his coming execution give him a heart attack.

Knowing what I know Now (1952) - Barry Perowne
On a train trip to London, a murderer changes the label of his trunk and places it on a similar trunk. This will have fatal consequences for its owner, a Canadian art student hunted by a particularly unpleasant souvenir from her childhood.
[Very atmospheric story.]


Friday 20 March 2009

The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction - Vol 2 (2008)

Edited by George Mann

iCity - Paul Di Filippo
Frederick Law Moses, an urban planner, cannot accept that he lost a contest to design a district in iCity (a city that is constantly being rebuilt with intelligent materials). So he decides to cheat by proclaiming himself the winner. However the intelligent material get mixed up and merges his design with that of the original winner, creating a whole new trend among urban planners.

The Space Crawl Blues - Kay Kenyon
When Quantum Transport hits the market, regular space travel suffers a fatal blow. However, as pilot Blake Niva discovers, this instant ‘teleportation’ isn’t without its own flaws.
[Interesting for the fact that Blake treats his ship, The Samantha Gray, like a real woman.]

The Line Of Dichotomy - Chris Roberson
In space there is a war between the Mexica Empire and that of the Middle Kingdom. Both faction blame the horror of the conflict on each other. Yao is a soldier who gets a chance to listen to what the enemy has to say. Unfortunately he chooses to perpetrate the killing.
[This army stuff is not exactly my cup of tea. In addition, at the very end, we don’t get to see who is behind the door. Fair enough whoever is there would not have improved the situation, but I’d have preferred to know all the same J .]

Fifty Dinosaurs - Robert Reed
This is the type of story that makes me feel stupid, ’cos I can’t understand it. Anyway, the plot is about a man who is confronted to a talking dinosaur named Sandra. Apparently, they, along with fifty other species, have been gathered to celebrate the birthday of a superior being. When the hero dreams, he is 21 and celebrates his birthday with booze and karaoke songs…

Mason’s Rats - Neal Asher
Borderline fantasy. Mason is a farmer with intelligent rats living on his property. There is also an agoraphobic harvester that needs repair. One day, a black rat helps Mason to get rid of an obnoxious salesman.

Blood Bonds - Brenda Cooper
A young woman whose body has been severely damaged during a terrorist attack downloads herself into a community of Artificial Intelligences. She then goes to see her sister on Mars, to have a chance to defend the rights of these A.Is.

The Eyes of God - Peter Watts
In a big brother society, airports are fitted with scanners that not only search for concealed weapons, but also mental flaws. When they find one, it gets corrected immediately.

Sunworld - Eric Brown
Yarrek lives on Sunworld, a rural community severely controlled by the church. When he graduates from college, he is sent to the remote land of Icefast to become an inquisitor. Once there, he discovers that his world is not what it seems and has been visited by aliens. His role will be to prepare his people for this revelation.

Evil Robot Monkey - Mary Robinette Kowal
Very short story about sly, an intelligent monkey who likes to make pottery, and how the local children treat him.
[Amusing to read, but not as deep as “Rachel In Love” by Pat Murphy.]

Shining Armour - Dominic Green
A village boy witnesses how Khan, his grandfather, manages to access the “Guardian” a gigantic robot using during an old war. Armed in that manner, he expel the soldiers sent by greedy mining company.
[Story reminiscent of “Dragon King” by Michael Swanwick.]

Book, Theatre and Wheel - Karl Schroeder
Two men from the church investigate the property of a woman who is suspected of educating her people. She manages to befriend one of them and show him what power books and story telling have.
[Good story, but hardly a SF one.]

Mathralon - David Louis Edelman
The sole purpose of the small moon named Howards 27 is to mine a rare mineral called mathralon. The workers who live there are totally cut from the rest of the galaxy. They haven’t seen a human face in two decades and wonder if the company that employ them still exits.

Mason Rats: Autotractor - Neal Asher
The farmer and his intelligent rats are back. This time they are visited by an employee from the health department who wants to eradicate the rat population on the farm.
[Reads like a “Shawn the Sheep adventure.]

Modern Times (A Jerry Cornelius adventure) - Michael Moorcock
Another story that’s too clever for me, and it doesn’t help that this anthology didn’t print a few lines as to who this Cornelius is supposed to be. Thankfully there is always the Wikipedia for such questions.

The story evolves around Jerry and his tribe. They seem to travel through time, stop in pubs, play cricket and talk about the towns and periods they happen to be in. They like to comment on how stupid and worthless humans are. There is no action per se, just a series of instalments, preceded by real (?) news taken from various media sources.

Point of Contact - Dan Abnett
An alien spaceship has discovered planet Earth. However, its occupants are not in the least thrilled by this finding, nor are we in awe of their technology or culture. The two species try to communicate for 3 years then go their own ways.
[Interesting story, too bad it’s done in an endless list of negative statements.]

Overall mark for this anthology : 4/10

Thursday 12 February 2009

Best New SF 18

Published in 2005

Inappropriate Behaviour by Pat Murphy
Note : 8/10
Annie, fillette avec des problemes psychologiques, trouve un naufragé sur l'ile ou elle vie et travaille (par l'intermediaire d'un robot marin).
[Concept intéressant sur les contes pour enfants.]

Start The Clock by Benjamin Rosenbaum
Note : 3/10
Dans un futur lointain, les nouvelles générations peuvent rester enfant autant qu'elles le souhaitent. Mais certains d'entre eux, curieux d'expérimenter de nouvelles choses, décident de vieillir, et de devenir adultes, avec tous les changement de comportement que cela implique.
[Atmosphere Cyberpunk déplaisante, plus langage pas tjrs facile a comprendre.]

The Third Party by David Moles
Note : 7/10
Une colonie spatiale, aux prise avec deux factions aliens qui sous-estiment l'intelligence de la population qu'ils convoitent.
[Le sujet m'a rappelé "Aux tréfond du ciel" par Vernon Vinge, ou la aussi il est
question de deux civilisation qui observent l'évoluation d'une planete.]

The Voluntary State by Christopher Rowe
Note : 0/10
Puisque cette histoire fait partie de ce recueil, elle a du etre appréciée par une majorité de gens. Pour ma part, je n'ai pas tres bien compris ce qui se passait dans ce monde de dingue. Ca commence pas un artiste, obligé d'appeler les autorités parce que son véhicule a été dégradé. Il se fait ensuite kidnapper par un clan dont le but est d'attaquer le palace du gouverneur. [Pénible a lire.]

Shiva In Shadow by Nancy Kress
Note : 6/10
Les tribulations d'un petit équipage lors d'une mission dans l'espace lointain. Leur but est d'étudier un trou noir. Pendant que les deux scientifiques effectuent leur travail, le Capitaine sert avant tout de moderateur entre eux deux. La jalousie d'un des scientifiques fait échouer la mission.
[L'histoire est partagée entre ce qui se passe sur le vaisseau et une sonde, ou la
personalité de l'équipage a été uploadé.]

The People Of Sand and Slag by Paolo Bacigalupi
Note: 8/10
Dans un futur lointain, les etres humains sont upgradés de facon méconnaissable. Ils se nourrissent de sable et peuvent s'amputer, leurs membres repoussent automatiquement. Un groupe d'amis trouve un chien 100% biologique et décident de l'héberger pour un temps...
[En 2003 j'avais lu "The Flutted Girl" du meme auteur. Une histoire qui elle aussi traite de la facon dont le corps humain pourrait etre génétiquement modifié (a l'extreme) dans le futur.]

The Clapping Hand Of God by Michael F. Flynn
Note: 9/10
Un groupe d'explorateur passe au travers d'une porte (genre Stargate) et observe l'évolution d'une ville, au gres de leurs festivités et combats. Il s'averent que cette race est tout particulierement raciste, forcant les explorateurs a quitter ce lieu et a placer cette planete en zone 'rouge'.
[Tres bien écrit, atmosphere totallement alien, avec des créatures crédibles.]

Tourism by M. John Harrison
Note: 8/10
Description des allées et venues dans un bar de 3eme zone. Les espoirs et deceptions de la 'faune' locale.
[Cette histoire ne semble pas avoir de véritable but, mais les descriptions et les dialoques valent le détour.]

Scout's Honour by Terry Bisson
Note: 9/10
Un scientifique qui vit quasiment en hermite recoit des emails curieux semblant venir d'un passé lointain, décrivant la rencontre entre un Neanderdhal et un Homo Sapien. Au fil de la lecture le scientifique s'apercoit qu'il est en fait cet Homo Sapien. Cela le pousse a se rendre a New Mexico, pour un projet top secret qu'il avait jusqu'alors ignoré.
[En 2003 j'avais lu "Dear Abbey" du meme auteur, qui a l'inverse de SH, s'enfoncait dans le futur extreme. SH a le mérite de traiter du meme genre de sujet, en restant court.]

Men are Trouble by James Patrick Kelly
Note: 5/10
Sur une Terre entierement peuplée de femmes (des aliens ont fait disparaitre tous les hommes), une détective enquete sur la disparition d'une jeune femme, qui venait de se marrier (avec une autre femme).
[Lecture plaisante, bons dialogues, mais sorti de la, ce n'est pas le genre d'histoire dont je raffole.]

Mother Aegypt by Kage Baker
Note: 7/10
Les tribulations d'un escroc qui voyage avec une mystérieuse diseuse de bonne aventure. Il utilise son argent et les pouvoirs de l'etrange gamin qui l'accompagne pour vendre des potions soit-disant magiques. Malheureusement pour lui, elles sont plus magique qu'il ne le croit.
[Histoire bien écrite, mais d'avantage Fantasy que SF, puisque l'intrigue se déroule dans une Europe pré-révolution industrielle.]

Synthetic Serendipity by Vernor Vinge
Note : 6/10
Dans un futur ou la technologie a rendu obsolete la plupart des adultes, un adolescent apprend a partager son savoir.
[Une histoire typique de Vinge, acces sur une technologie poussée.]

Skin Deep by Mary Rosenblum
Note : 7/10
Un jeune homme dont le visage a eté completement défiguré par un incendie est choisi par un éminent médecin pour une operation qui lui donnera un nouveau visage. Lorsqu'il découvre qu'il a été choisi parce que le fils du médecin est décédé et lui ressemble, il décide de ne pas poursuivre l'opération, afin que qqu'un d'autre puisse profiter de cette technologie.

Delhi by Vandana Singh
Note : 5/10
Un homme voit des fantomes appartenant au passé et au futur de cette ville. Au bord du désespoir. suite a la rencontre d'une étudiante en architecture, il decide de lier son destin au sien pour changer la configuration future de cette ville.

The Tribes of Bella by Albert E. Crowdrey
Note : 6/10
Récit sous forme épistolaire d'une colonie miniere soudainement attaquée par les differentes especes natives. Seul une poignée de survivants, dont un policier et un docteur, échappent au massacre.

Sitka by William Sanders
Note : 5/10
Histoire de paradoxe temporel. Un groupe de femmes, venu du futur et déguisées en indiennes, observent une conversation entre Jack London et un Russe. Conversation qui vise a bombarder un navire Russe, ce qui déclenchera la premiere guerre mondiale.

Leviathan Wept by Daniel Abraham
Note : 5/10
Dans un monde ou chacun semble connecté (a la Vernon Vinge) a un réseau accessible par le nerf optique, l'Ouest et le Moyen Orient continuent de s'affronter. Ce que l'Amérique pense etre une singularité (une breche inexplicable dans leur connectivité) pourrait en fait etre le résultat d'une inflitration de l'ennemi dans leur systeme.

The Defenders by Colin Davies
Note : 3/10
Histoire tres courte, ou un grand pere abat l'une des créatures qui protegent une colonie d'humains; car cette entité était devenu trop intelligente pour le bien de la communauté.

Mayflower II by Stephen Baxter
Note : 8/10
Tribulations d'un vaisseau-génération, crée pour voyager pendant des milliers d'années, sous la gouverne d'un immortel. Malheureusement, ce dernier se détache graduellement des mortels qu'il accompagne, preférant se concentrer sur les besoins techniques du vaisseau.
Apres des milliers d'années de voyage, la population se divise et régresse jusqu'a une forme de vie primate.

Riding the White Bull by Caitlin R. Kienan
Note : 6/10
Monde futuriste ou la Terre a été contaminée par des organismes collectés par une sonde spatiale sur Europa.

Falling Star by Bendan Dubois
Note : 7/10
Dans un monde ou l'informatique a été dévasté par un virus biologique détruisant les composants materiels des ordinateurs, un astronaute est confronté a la régression intellectuelle de ses voisins. Forcé de quitter son village, il donne cependant a l'unique gamin sympatique du coin un livre d'astrologie pour éveiller sa curiosité.

The Dragons of Summer Gluch by Robert Reed
Note : 7/10
Un ancien soldat ayant trouvé les restes archéologiques d'un dragon, il essaie de les vendre a un collectionneur. Le fait qu'il y ait des oeufs intactes sur le site archéologique attise la convoitise d'un autre collectionneur. Mais au final, tout le monde se fait doubler par les natifs de la région, trop souvent dénigrés par l'envahisseur.

The Ocean of the Blind by James L. Cambias
Note : 8/10
Un chercheur humain s'aventure a explorer une colonie sous marine. Il prend trop de risques et finit sur une table d'autopsie.
[Bonne description du monde sous-marin et des etres intelligents qui vivent dans cet environement.]

The Garden by Eleanor Arnason
Note : 6/10
Description d'un conflit entre une race alien et les humains, cela vu par un soldat alien, qui n'a d'intéret que pour le jardinage. L'histoire est censée etre racontée par une femme alien, qui essaie de promouvoir l'idee que les femmes de sa race peuvent également se rendre utile dans l'espace. Les femmes et les hommes de cette race vivent de facon séparé et sont habitué a l'homosexualité.

Footvote by Peter F. Hamilton
Note : 7/10
Le tumulte subit par l'angleterre apres qu'une personne ait découvert un 'wormhole', permettant aux gens qui le souhaitent de refaire leur vie sur une autre planete, appelé New Suffolk.

Sissyphus & The Stranger by Paul Di Filippo
Note : 7/10
Histoire parallele ou Albert Camus s'avere etre un diplomate de renom dans un monde ou, suite a une découverte technologique capitale, la France domine tous les pays.

Ten Stigmas by Paul Melko
Note : 6/10
Comment un homme qui a la possibilité de passer d'un univers parallele a l'autre parvient, au bout de multiples tentatives, a sauver la vie d'une femme, piegée dans le poid-lourd d'un tueur en serie.

Investments by Walter Jones Williams
Note :

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Les Passeurs de Millénaires (2005)

Chapo - J.P. Andrevon
Dans un futur ou des caméras et des robots ménagers éradiquent toute forme de 'contamination', un homme se bat contre le système pour garder un animal familier chez lui.

L'Ultime Réalité - J.J Nguyen
Le travail d'un scientifique (passionné par les oeuvres de Lovecraft) sur les mystères de l'univers et l'infiniment petit. Des recherches qui finissent par le rendre fou.

Bis - Vittorio Frigerio
Dans le futur, les efforts d'un médecin et d'un technicien pour ranimer le Président, victime d'une crise cardiaque. Il est connecté a une machine mnémonique, qu'a l'instar de tout le monde, il controle.

Hotels - Sylvie Denis et François Valery
Dans une ville déserte peuplée d'organomineraux (des statues), l'évolution de deux survivants, qui finissent par se rencontrer.

L'Eternité Moins la Vie - J.J. Girardot
Le Dr Helen Palmer, victime d'une maladie incurable, transpose sa personnalité dans un ordinateur, avant de mourir.

La Stratégie du Requin - J.C. Dunyach
(Requin: homme dont l'esprit vit exclusivement dans le cybermonde.)
L'un d'eux se fait contacter par un agent du gouvernement qui lui donne une mission: trouver pourquoi un satellite Russe, envoyé dans l'hyperespace, ne répond plus aux commandes.

La 1ère Oeuvre - Olivier Paquet
La vie de Mathias Jerner, un artiste peintre artificiel. Sa quête pour comprendre comment naît l'inspiration.

Canards du Doute - Philippe Curval
Pour vaincre un mal qui ronge les cellules de son cerveau, un jeune homme se voit obligé d'abandonner les distraction faciles de l'informatique et d'apprendre a lire, puis a écrire des romans.

Le Prix du Pardon - Matthieu Walraet
La vie d'une intelligence artificielle, spéculateur en bourse, et comment il essaie de comprendre les humains.

Craqueur - Alain le Bussy
Pour empêcher une jeune colonie spatiale de s'auto-detruire a cause de problemes économiques et politiques, une créature dangereuse, mais fictive est crée. Cela permet de resolidariser cette communauté.

La Fin du Big Bang - Claude Ecken
Un homme et une femme découvrent qu'ils passent sans transition d'une univers parallèle a l'autre. Pour essayer de trouver d'autres personnes comme eux, ils écrivent un roman relatant leurs réalités.

L'Apopis Républicain - Ugo Bellagamba
Dans un univers ou l'égyptologie tient une place capitale, le vaisseau Champolion est en mission sur Titan. Ceci afin d'y trouver un antique observatoire astronomique.

Nulle Part a Liverion - Serge Lehman
Un historien a la recherche d'une cite européenne mythique: Liverion.

Saturday 17 January 2009

Dial M For Merde par Stephen Clarke (2008)

L'histoire démarre sur les chapeaux de roues avec un incident dans une banque, puis se poursuit par une intrigue permettant au héro, Paul West, de jouer les traiteurs, espion et traitre le long de la Cote d'Azur.

Paul West, maladroit comme a son habitude, est en grande forme. Comme souvent, il répond aux quatres volontés d'Elodie (ex-petite amie) et se trouve dans l'incapacité de voir l'évidence: M. (sa petite amie du moment) mene une double vie. C'est un peu dommage car cela baisse d'autant l'intelligence que l'on prete a "Pol". L'autre point noir, concerne la fin un peu trop "eau de rose" et les réactions du président francais, qui sont a pleurer, meme pour une parodie de Sarko.

Heureusement que le gros du roman, et notamment les dialogues avec la famille "De Bonnepoire", tiennent davantage la route. Au final, "Dial for M" se lit sans mal et décrit a la perfection les tics francais et les difficultés qui surgissent quand on est coincé entre le francais et l'anglais.


Wednesday 14 January 2009

The Best Time Travel Stories of the 20th Century

Edited by Harry Turtledove with Martin H. Greenberg

Yesterday Was Monday (1941) by T. Sturgeon
Keywords: Staged world

Time Locker (1943) by H. Kuttner
Keywords: Greedy lawyer

Time's Arrow (1950) by A.C. Clarke
Keywords: Prehistoric area

I'm Scared (1951) by J. Finney
Keywords: Time slips

A Sound of Thunder (1952) by R. Bradburry
Keywords: Prehistoric Area

Death Ship (1953) by R. Matheson
Keywords: Sapce ship

A Gun For A Dinosaur (1956) by L.S. Prague de Camp
Keywords: Prehistoric Area

The Man Who Came Early (1956) by P. Anderson
Keywords: Medieval Iceland

Rain Bird (1961) by R.A. Lafferty
Keywords: Man visiting his past several times

Leviathan! (1970) by L. Niven
Keywords: Ancient animal species

Anniversary Project (1975) by J. Halderman
Keywords: People from the future

Timetipping (1975) by J. Dann
Keywords: Jewish traditions

Firewatch (1982) by C. Willis
Keywords: WW2 London blitz

Sailing to Byzantium (1985) by R. Silverberg
Keywords: Ancient cities

The Pure Product (1986) by J. Kessel
Keywords: Immoral behaviour

Trapalanda (1987) by C. Sheffield
Keywords: Argentina

The Price of Orange (1989) by N. Kress
Keywords: 1937 vs 1864

Another Story (1994) by U.K. Le Guin
Keywords: Instant transportation

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Stephen King - On Writing

SK a choisi d'écrire sur l'art d'écrire sous forme d'autobiographie. On n'y trouve pas de conseils techniques, mais une réalité incontournable: on ne peut écrire correctement sans réelle passion des mots et une bonne connaissance de la langue dans laquelle on s'exprime. Le reste vient petit a petit, au fil de la pratique.

Cela semble logique, apres tout SK est l'un des auteurs les plus célebres et vendeurs de sa génération, il sait donc de quoi il parle :-). Cela ne veut bien entendu pas dire que tous les autres livres sur le sujet ne valent rien. Juste qu'ils n'auront pas bcp d'impact si le lecteur ne s'entraine pas a écrire régulierement.

SK souligne également l'importance de lire, pour ce tenir au courant de ce qui se fait et des différents style qui existent.

On Writing est un livre qui se lit facilement. On y découvre la jeunesse de SK, ses doutes, ses habitudes, et une description de l'accident de la route qui a failli lui couter la vie. Ce passage comporte un asterix de taille: le conducteur déjanté qui lui est rentré dedans a été découvert sans vie, chez lui, en Septembre 2000. Les causes de son déces restent, a ce jour, indéterminée. Comme SK le dit lui meme dans ces pages, ce mec avait tout d'un personnage tiré de ses propres histoires.

En parlant d'histoire, l'aspect le moins intéressant de ce livre, est l'addition d'une histoire courte "Jumper", sélectionée par SK. Le début est intriguant, avec la description des badges que portent les employés d'un centre commercial. Mais le reste s'embourbre dans la motivation d'un pauvre shnock pret a utiliser une bombe sur les clients du centre. Comme si la planete n'était pas déja pleine a craquer de torurés du bulbe qui tirent sur tout ce qui bouge! Décevant et aussi original qu'un vieux western en noir et gris :-/.


Sunday 11 January 2009

The Mammoth book of Science Fiction (2002)

Ulla Ulla by Eric Brown (2002)
The discovery by an astronaut that the Martians described by H.G. Wells' novel "War of the Worlds" really exist. Traces of them have been found on Mars, but they perished before they had a chance to land on Earth.

Death Day by Peter F. Hamilton (1991)
The struggle between a survivor on a remote space colony and a shape-shifting alien, whose species have been annihilated by humans.
[Reads more like a horror story.]

The Infinite Assassin by Greg Egan (1991)
In a world where drugs allow people to visit other dimensions, an agent is regularly sent out to kill those who menace the continuity of Earth. Unfortunately, this time the "enemy" is stronger and manages to get the upper hand.
[I don't like stories where the idea of what 'reality' is, is very thin.]

Anachron by Damon Knight (1953)
The story of two eccentric Italian brothers who have devised a time travelling machine. How it divides them and how they seek revenge on each other using this invention.
[Not the best time travel story I've read, but a fine example of what fear and greed can do to people.]

Firewatch by Connie Willis (1982)
In the future, a student is sent to the past for his practicum. Unfortunately for him, the Dean has selected a period he knows nothing about: London in 1940. There, he experiences the near constant bombing of the capital by the Germans. He also learns to live with the locals and discovers what the mysterious 'Firewatch' is all about.
[Very much like her "Doomsday Book" novel. The details are so precise it almost reads like a historical tale rather than scifi.]

At The 'Me' Shop by Robert Reed (1995)
A young man who works into a shop that sells holograms, discovers that he is not who he thought he was.

A Ticket to Tranai by Robert Sheckley (1955)
A disillusioned man travels to Tranai, a planet where people supposedly live in perfect harmony. However, once there, he discovers that their absolute freedom is due to a total absence of laws and respect.
[Amusing in places, but R.S’s treatment of women is appalling. A typical example of the type of garbage certain writers indulged in before the 1970‘s.]

Vinland The Dream by Kin Stanley Robinson (1991)
An archaeologist reflects on his opinion that what everyone knows about Greenland's occupation by the Vikings may all be a big lie. It seems that in the 1820's, a mysterious man planted fake clues related to the Vikings and their travels.
[The end is a bit disappointing, but it's nonetheless a story with a nice atmosphere.]

The Exit Door Leads In by Phillip K. Dick (1979)
Distopia. A young man is enrolled by force into a mysterious university where his loyalty is put to the test. However, his 'opponents' are not who he thinks they are.

What Have I Done? by Mark Clifton (1952)
A psychologist is contacted by aliens who want to blend in, so that they can take control of the planet in a quiet way, instead of using violence. Because he will get killed if he doesn't accept to help them, he does so. But he only teaches them the positive traits of mankind, hoping men's real nature will ultimately defeat these aliens.
[Pleasant story, but very much dated. It is difficult to believe that intelligent aliens wouldn't notice all the bad aspects of mankind. A simple glance at our history would reveal what "humanity" is truly about.]

Finis by Frank Millie Pollock (1906)
The final days of a man and a woman, as planet Earth is being destroyed by a giant sun.
[Interesting story, considering it was written more than a century ago. It is certainly dated, but isn't half as bad as certain tales written in the 1950's.]

The Last Days of Earth by George C. Wallis (1901)
In a distant future, the last day of a couple living on a frozen Earth.
[Interesting description of what future technology will be, considering it was written in 1901.]

Approaching Perimelasma by Geoffrey A. Landis (1997)
The thoughts of a re-created mind, as it explores the inside of a black hole (the only way for mankind to achieve such a feat.)
[Interesting story on what it means to be a unique individual.]

The Pen and the Dark by Colin Knapp (1966)
Two reputed engineers are sent to planet Ithica to solve a mystery: A giant obelisk has appeared on the ruins of an old city. Its shadow is difficult to explore and the 'pen' itself is impregnable.
[The dialogue between the characters is old fashioned and, although there is a nice sense of mystery, the end is a complete let down. There is no answer as to why the obelisk appeared in the first place.]

Inanimate Objection by H. Chandler Elliott (1954)
Two doctors are studying the odd case of a patient (a retired major) who claims that every object has a mind of its own. They dislike the ordered world that we have created and do all they can to 'misbehave' and provoke chaos.
[Nice take on the 'gremlins' theory, with witty dialogues.]

The Very Pulse of the Machine by Michael Swanwick (1998)
Io. After an accident that killed her partner, a female astronaut struggles to return to the Lander that brought them there. While she is dragging the body of the dead astronaut behind her, the heroine is contacted by what appears to be an intelligent machine that controls everything on Io. [Good characterisation and vivid description of the planet.]

High Eight by Keith Roberts (1965)
'X-Files' type story where a power station is controlled by an evil entity who starts killing people. It reaches them through any electrical device present in their house or work place.

Shards by Brian Aldis (1962)
Experimental story with two creatures locked in a giant container. The reader is treated to their thoughts as they develop a consciousness of where and what they are.

They are the result of a military experiment crossing man and fish. This is to spy on a race of aquatic aliens who have started to invade the seas.]

Except My Life 3 by John Morressy (1991)
Detective story with a 1930's atmosphere. Three clones are hired by a very rich actress come director to supervise the rehearsal of the most sophisticated theatre version of Hamlet ever produced. When a murder occurs, one of the clones pieces certain facts together to catch the culprit.
[Although it's sometimes uneasy to read, there is a clever trick to determine which of the clone is speaking/interacting.]

[Spoiler: Who did it: The woman with whom clone3 falls in love with. She was in fact impersonating Lord Proteus. She killed the clone actor because he was actually her brother, but refused to recognised her as such, denying her any chance of public fame.]

Into Your Tent I'll Creep by Eric Frank Russell (1957)
Amusing story where an alien visiting Earth discovers that the dominating species aren't humans, but dogs. These obtain everything they want from the men and women who keep them, unaware of what is going on.

Quotes from this story:
The supreme test of intelligence is the ability to live as one pleases without working.
The art of retribution is that of concealing it beyond all suspicion.
The sharpest, most subtle, most effective weapon in the cosmos if flattery.
To rule successfully the ruled must be unconscious of it.

A Death in the House by Clifford D. Simak (1959)
A recluse farmer finds an alien near his property. He helps him back to health and, despite their inability to communicate verbally, he manages to assist him with the repairs of his spacecraft. He even gives him all his saving in the process.
[A heart-warming story about friendship.]

Refugium by Stephen Baxter (2002)
Two humans travelling in space discover that an advanced species is gathering all the civilisations present in the universe. They place them in a safer environment, protected from all the natural dangers prevalent in their original galaxies.

Monday 5 January 2009


Stone Eggs by James Blaylock and Adriana Campoy
1er chapitre d'un roman? Un homme accepte de garder la maison d'un oncle en voyage. A l'intérieur, il developpe rapidement une obessession pour les especes maritimes disparues (relatées en détails dans la bilbiotheque de l'oncle). Cela l'amene a découvrir une cave étrange ou l'attend un zeppelin.
[Atmosphere typique des oeuvres de Blaylock.]

Tideline by Elizabeth Bear (First published in Asimov's, June 2007)
Chaceldony, un enorme robot de combat, sauve un jeune enfant d'une mort certaine. Elle passe son temps a parcourir une plage a la recherche de perles et autres débris pour confectionner des colliers en mémoire de son escadron. Elle apprend a l'enfant tout ce qu'il doit savoir pour survivre.

Glory by Greg Egan (First published in 'The New Space Opera')
L'arrivée sur la planete Noudah de deux Terriennes : Joan et Anne, dont la mission est d'étudier les artifacts Niah, vestiges d'une ancienne civilisation reputée pour ses connaissances mathémathiques.
[Histoire racontée avec trop de détachement.]

Who is Afraid of Wolf 359 by Ken MacLeod
Suite a une affaire d'adultere qui a tourné a son désavantage, un homme est envoyé sur Wolf 359 pour découvrir ce qui est arrivé a cette colonie. Il y trouve un peuple rétrogrograde. Lorsque L'A.I. de son vaisseau révele qu'il y a de forte chance que la Terre décide d'annihiler ce peuple, l'homme les éduque. Ainsi, ils apprennent non seulement a faire face a la Terre, mais aussi a conquérir la galaxie.
[Histoire agréable. Aurait pu etre plus longue. La tout est condensé, comme dans un resumé succint.]

The Merchant and The Alchemist's Gate by Ted Chiang
A Bagdad, un marchant raconte ses mésaventures a un calife. Tout commence avec un riche marchand qui possede un portail vers le futur et le passé. Il relate également les aventures de deux autres personnes qui ont utilisé ce portail a des fins personnelles.
[Raconté sous la forme d'un conte, ou le voyage dans le temps est abordé avec philosophie.]

Last Contact by Stephen Baxter (Solaris Book)
From mid march to mid october, the last days of planet Earth, seen through the eyes of a mother and her daugther. They meet on several occasions, while the mother is doing some gardening, to reflect on the end of the galaxy.
[En dépit de la catastrophe éminente, les deux femmes réagissent avec un calme incroyable. Le chaos ambiant n'est reflété que par les étageres vides des supermarchés.]

Rachel In Love by Pat Murphy
Note : 6/10
Suite a un accident l'esprit d'une jeune fille est transféré dans le corps d'un chimpanzé.
Apres le déces de son pere, scientifique, Rachel se retrouve dans un laboratoire. Apres
s'etre lié d'amitié avec l'un des employés, elle parvient a s'échapper, en companie d'un
autre singe dont elle s'est éprise.
[On reconnait le style de l'auteur, qui a tendance a écrire de longue scene en mode
passif. Rachel in love fait partie de ces histoires qui attribuent des émotions humaines
a des animaux. Pas trop ma tasse de thé.]

Southern Strategy by Michael F. Flynn
Note : 2/10
Uchronie ou les Allemands et leur 2eme Reich sont les sauveurs du monde. Ils viennent en aide au peuple noir, oppressé dans le sud de l'Amérique. Récit de la guerilla qui s'ensuit entre les Allemands, les 'noirs' et les rednecks. Le tout orchestre par un barman qui répond au nom de Tricky Dick.
[Difficile d'oublier la vrais eveenements et d'accepter les troupes de Rommel dans la peau de soldats oeuvrant pour la libération du peuple noir!]

The Women Men Don't See James Tiptree, Jr
Note : 6/10
L'avion de 4 passagers s'écrase sur une ile déserte. S'apercevant que ce coin reculé est visité par des aliens, les deux femmes du groupe préferent partir avec eux plutot que de rester sur Terre, sur un monde dominé par les hommes. (Publié en 1973)

Hula Ville (2004) by James P. Blaylock
Note : 5/10
Un homme a la recherche d'une créature ailée qu'il a apercu étant enfant. Pour se faire, il collectionne les légendes sur le sujet et parcours le désert Américain.

Standing Room Only by Karen Joy Fowler (1997)
Note : 3/10
Histoire relatant le meurtre de Lincoln, vu a travers les yeux d'Anna Surrat, qui ne realise pas le complot qui est entrain de se dérouler devant elle.

Sunday 4 January 2009

Solomon Kane (Robert E. Howard)

Des Cranes Dans Les Etoiles - Skulls in the Stars
En voulant traverser un marais, SK se trouve confronté a une puissance maléfique et éthérique: le fantome d'un homme, fou de son vivant, qui a été assassiné par Ezra, l'ermite qui l'hébergeait.
Par crainte de manquer son assassin, le fantome tue sauvagement tous les voyageurs qu'il rencontre.
Apres avoir confronté le fantome et appris sont terrible secret, SK, avec l'aide des villageois, condamne Ezra a etre poursuivi par le fantome. La seule chose qui pourra liberer le marais de sa malédiction.

La Main Droite Du Destin - The Right Hand Of Doom
A Tokertown, dans une auberge, SK est témoin de la vengeance d'un nécromant trahi par son seul ami. Le magicien, dans sa cellule, se fait couper la main par son garde et ordonne a celle-ci d'aller étrangler le traitre.
SK ne joue ici qu'un role passif. C'est un villageois qui le met au courant des événements.

Ombres rouges - Red Shadows
SK sur les traces du Loup, un pirate sans merci qui sévit sur la cote Anglaise. Apres l'avoir confronté dans son repere et éliminé tous les membres de son gang, SK poursuit le Loup en Afrique. La il fait la connaissance de N'Longa, un puissant sorcier qui l'aide face a un chef de village sanguinaire, un tueur de gorille et finalement le Loup, qu'il combattra en duel.

Bruits D'Ossements - Rattle of Bones
Allemagne, foret noire. SK et Gaston l'Armont, un compagnon de route, s'arretent dans une auberge appelée 'Le Crane Fendu'. Dans une chambre, ils trouvent une cache ou est enchainé un squelette. Il s'avere que Gaston n'est autre que 'Gaston le boucher' un célebre tueur Francais. SK le tue au combat, puis découvre que l'aubergiste ne vaut pas mieux. Il est fou a lier apres avoir passé plusieurs années dans des geoles européenes et par vengeance, tue tous ses clients.
Le squelette est celui d'un puissant sorcier assassiné par l'aubergiste. Une fois libéré de sa cache, il tue son meurtrier.

Le Chateau Du Diable - The Castle of the Devil

To be continued...

Saturday 3 January 2009

The Mammoth Book of Short Fantasy Novels (1988)

Robinson Publishing - Presented by Isaac Asimov

The Gate of the Flying Knives by Poul Anderson (1979)
Un barde part a la recherche de la femme qu'il aime, kidnapée par une secte religieuse. Mais il réalise par la suite qu'il est trop paresseux pour suivre son train de vie énergétique.

Unicorn Tapestry by Suzy McKee Charnas (1980)
Interview d'un vampire par une psychologue d'age mur. Malgré le risque qu'elle encours a le cotoyer, elle tombe amoureuse de lui.

Sleep Well of Nights by Avram Davidson (1978)
Suite a un acces de fievre, un homme fait un reve lié a une riviere. Plus tard, accompagné d'amis, il traverse cette meme riviere. La, il trouve un trésor qui permet a une fillette d'hériter de son grand-pere.

Black Heart and White Heart by Sir H. Ridder Hagggard
En terre Zulu, comment un homme blanc trouve la mort apres avoir trhai un couple de Zulu qui lui avait sauvé la vie.

Red Nails by Robert E. Howard (1936)
Aventures de Conan et de Valeria, au sein d'une ville de type Atzeque. Les deux clans qui y vivent se vouent une haine sans limite; cela a cause d'une reine immortelle, jadis convoitée par deux hommes. Les deux héros doivent mettre fin a ce conflit sanglant pour espérer pouvoir quitter cette ville.

Storm in a Bottle by john Jakes (1968)
Brak (un barbare a la Conan) se fait injustement capturer par les soldats d'une ville, sous le coup d'une longue periode de secheresse. Afin d'éviter l'execution, il démantele le complot du sorcier affilié a la cour du roi, responsable de cette 'malection'.

I'll Meet You In Lankhmar by Fritz Leiber (1970)
Deux voleurs se rencontrent sur la meme affaire et deviennent amis. Apres une soirée de beuverie, leurs épouses arrivent a les convaincre de tuer le roi de la guilde des voleurs. Leur 1ere tentative leur vaut une course poursuite sur les toits de la ville. De retour chez eux, ils trouvent leurs femmes dévorées par les rats. Pris de folie, ils retournent a la guilde et trucident le sorcier responsable de cet acte ignoble.
Ils quittent ensuite la ville ensemble.

The Lands Beyond The World by Michael Moorcock (1977)
Prince Elric de Menilboné combat Saxif D'Aan (un noble déchu), pour accéder a la porte magique qui lui permettra de retourner dans son univers.

A Man and His God by Janet Morris (1981)
Un héro se venge des personnes qui l'ont jadis torturés.

Spider Silk by Andre Norton (1976)
Une jeune fille aveugle apprend a tisser parmis des femmes-araignées vivant en recluse sur une ile éloignée. Elle se lie d'amitié avec un marin et recouvre la vue en séchappant avec lui.

Where Is The Bird Of Fire by Thomas Burnett Swann (1962)
Un Faun relate la création de Rome par Romulus et Remus, deux jumeaux élevés par une louve.

Guyal of Sfere by Jack Vance (1950)
Poussé par une soif de connaissance sans limite, Guyal voyage vers le Musée de l'Homme, censé détenir tout le savoir de l'humanité. Avant d'en devenir le nouveau gardien, il doit combattre un démon qui hante les lieux.

Tower of Ice by Roger Zelasny (1981)
Un héro voyage vers un chateau perché sur une montagne glaciale pour y combattre un puissant sorcier. Sur les lieux, il se retrouve a protéger une femme, soeur d'un magicien qui s'est engagé lui aussi a combattre le maitre du chateau.
Histoire inhabittuelle, ou le héro n'est pas le protagoniste principal.

Friday 2 January 2009

Science fiction Stories (1979)

Octopus Editions - Edited by tom Boardman Jr.

First Contact by Murray Leinster
First contact with an alien species. Physically, they are very different from humans, but spychologically, they are the same.

Pictures Don't Lie by Katherine Maclean
Encounter with an alien species who is incredibly small.

Knock by Fredric Brown
How captive humans use their intelligence to get rid of their alien captors.

Romp by Mack Reynolds
In a future 'Big Brother' society, a man tries to escape the system, betraying his friends in the process.

Flying Dutchman by Ward Moore
An automated space ship retunrs to Earth after civilization has been destroyed.

Who Can Replace Man by Brian Aldiss
How robots react at the discovery that the people who instructed them no longer exist.

What thin Partition by Clifton and Apostolides
How a counsellor tries to use the special ability of a young girl (she creates poltergeists at will), to push forward an anti-gravity device.

In the Abyss by H.G. Wells
The discovery of intelligent life in the ocean depths.

The Fun They Had by Isaac Asimov
Reflections of a young girl on how much better scholls were in the past, before the invention of computers and programmed teachers.
Crossfire by James white
On a battlefield, a group of soldiers discover long tubes that prove to be alien space ship and not enemy weapons as they first thought.

Allamagoosa by Eric Frank Russell
For fear of getting into administrative headache, a starship Captain invents an item which curiously is listed among his ship's inventory.

The Drop by John Christopher
Distant Future, in space. When they realize that Earth is now perfectly viable, a group of people pretend to be dissident, so that they will be dropped to planet Earth. (It is supposed to be a very dangerous place, and that's why humanity has pread ot into space.)

It Could Be You by Frank Robert
In a future society, a daily game show selects one person, who will be killed. Those who guess who it is wins a prize.

I am a Stranger There Myself by Mack Reynolds
Two men discuss in an Algier bar and discover that they are actually two aliens from a different race, present on Earth for different reasons.

The Luckiest Man in Denv by Cyril Kornbluth
In a future society where two close camps are regularly at war, a young man betrays everyone to reach higher levels and keep the was going on.

Not For An Age by Brian Aldiss
A man and his family are trapped in a 'time bubble' that people from the future watch over and over as if it was a mere movie. One day, the bubble collapse and the man is able to explore the city form the future.

The Astronaut by Valentina Zhuravlyova
The story of an starship Captain (with a passion for painting) who bravely remained on a desolated planet, so that his crew had enough fuel to return to Earth.

Manners of An Age by H.B. Fyfe
In a distant future, only a few people live on Earth, this in almost complete isolation. A particularly selfish man recalls his encounter with one of his rare neighbours: a woman.

Christmas Tree by Christopher Youd
A space farer discovers thta he is stuck to desolate station Luna, on the moon, because his health will not allow him to make another trip onto space.

The Stainless Rat by Harry Harrison
An interplanetary thief is recruted by the Special Police to work for them.

Spectator Sport by John D. MacDonald
A man travels to the future, but they refuse ti believe him and consider that he is mad. They brainwash him. When they understand their mistke, they put him in a device where he can experience life in the past - as western hero.

The Hypnoglyph by John Anthony
Through a device called the hypnoglyph a man smoothly hypnotises his friend, so that he can be sent to a planet where male are in short supply.